What is the CDBS (Child Dental Benefit’s Schedule)?
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule is a child dental care benefits program to ensure oral health. It gives each eligible child up to $1132 worth of general dental treatment over 2 consecutive calendar years. CDBS covers:

  • dental health check ups
  • x-rays
  • preventative fissure seals
  • fillings
  • dental extractions

For more information, please visit

Is your child eligible?
To be eligible, a child must be:

  • children aged between 2 and 17 for at least 1 day of the calendar year
  • part of a family that receives Family Tax Benefit Part A or the child receives an Australian Government payment from the following list at

Alternatively, to find out if your child is eligible for public dental CDBS health services you can call Medicare on 132 011 or phone us and one of our friendly staff members will help you out.

Making an appointment with CDBS?
Let us know you plan to use the CDBS scheme when making your appointment.  We will then check your eligibility and will get the appropriate forms ready for you to sign upon arrival. Please ensure you bring your Medicare card to your appointment.